XVS 650 DRAG STAR (2003 - 2016) brake cylinder cover | SHOW CHROME

2003 - 2016 YAMAHA XVS 650 DRAG STAR
Brake cylinder cover | SHOW CHROME

Fits to:

YAMAHA XVS 650 AT V Star Silverado [2003 - 2011
YAMAHA XVS 650 V Star Custom Midnight [2008 - 2010]
YAMAHA XVS 650 V Star Custom [2008 - 2016]
$40.26 -9%

Estimated delivery date to your address:
Gru 11, 2024


Manufacturer SHOW CHROME
Material Aluminum
Color/finish Chrome
Units Each

Product description

Chrome Die Cast Aluminum Covers They simply slip over the brake cylinder with double sided adhesive and instantly add some flash to your bike.

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